Monday, February 25, 2013

Hi all, I'm new at this sort of thing, so guess what, I forgot to take before photos of my projects, so I just have the finished product photo! Oh well, I'll get the hang of this sooner or later, hopefully sooner, hehe!
I am in the process of redoing my bedroom, and want to use things I already have or can make for next to nothing. I had an old canvas painting that didn't fit my style anymore, so instead of throwing it out, I decided to try and reuse it. I painted it black. I cut out the word "forever" with my Cricut (which I LOVE!) and stuck that to the canvas while the paint was still wet so that it would act like a glue. Once the paint was dry I hot glued white and black ribbon on the top and bottom. It's done and I love! I want to make another one to match with the word "Love"! I need to rummage through my closets for another canvas. hehe! If you don't have an old canvas to reuse, you can always get a new one at any craft store like Micheal's and JoAnn's. And remember, you don't have to get rid of all your old stuff from your old style, redo and reuse to fit you and your family's new style. Have fun!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hi, I have decided to venture into the world of craft blogging. Mostly so I can keep of record of what I want to do and what I have already tried! I am setting myself a goal to try and blog about a craft project at least once a week, in time I hope to blog once a day. we'll see how that goes! I have had a very crazy beginning of a new year, with an accident and then surgery so have not been crafting much yet, but now that I'm feeling better, creativity, here I come! I have lots of plans for redecorating my house and yard. I have a list a mile long of sewing, scrapbooking, redoing old furniture, painting, etc. So, hopefully, I will keep this blog updated with all the fun stuff! :) So long, I'll be back soon with a project for this week.